Jaemin, exhausted from job hunting, finds himself experiencing new emotions after a chance encounter with Nami, an old high school friend. However, misunderstandings about Nami's job lead to conflict. This drama navigates the journey of discovering true love and understanding.
《내 안의 그놈/我心里的那家伙》电视剧 全集在线观看由麻花影视收集整理于网络,影片由未知拍摄,由未知主演,于2024 上映播放。麻花影视_麻花电影_麻花影院为您提供《내 안의 그놈/我心里的那家伙》迅雷下载、西瓜影音在线观看。如果喜欢此影片,请记得关注我们网址:www.mahua110.vip
Jaemin, exhausted from job hunting, finds himself experiencing new emotions after a chance encounter with Nami, an old high school friend. However, misunderstandings about Nami's job lead to conflict. This drama navigates the journey of discovering true love and understanding.